Morihiro Saito Shihan


“I am profoundly grateful today. This award monument was built with the support of all the people related to Morihiro Saito Shihan. I especially thank all the support from overseas to assist on this cause.”

Morihiro Saito Shihan


“I am profoundly grateful today. This award monument was built with the support of all the people related to Morihiro Saito Shihan. I especially thank all the support from overseas to assist on this cause.”

The Unveiling Ceremony

Saito Hitohira Soke Welcome Prayer

Greeting words from Saito Hitohira sensei

I am profoundly grateful today; even though we are amid this COVID pandemic, we can still welcome you today to this unveiling ceremony. This award monument was built with support from all the people related to Morihiro Saito Sensei and overseas support to assist this cause.
My father, Morihiro Saito, held a deep loving feeling for the founding couple. However, my parents were newlyweds at that time, and I think my mom had struggled to understand the accent from Wakayama prefecture initially.
In his later years, when his wife Hatsu was bedridden, and due to her state, my mother conveyed her words to the founder when he couldn’t understand her. The founder felt great respect for her sincere dedication towards his wife.
She supported her for 18 years while she was bedridden. As brothers, we all admired her sincere generosity and the great example she set for us.
After the death of the founding couple, my parents continued to take care of the dojo and the Aiki shrine. They always showed great respect for the founder and his wife. The strong bond they had with the founding couple is the honour of the Saito family.
I consider the same applies when it comes to handing down Aikido to future generations.
The spread of the Iwama style all over the world was an outstanding achievement of Morihiro Saito Shihan. Thanks to the continuous support of my mother and companions, we have built this honouring monument.
Morihiro Saito sensei never stopped pursuing the spirit and technique of the founder, and we will also continue to follow his steps.
There is no end to the story, but I would like to greet everybody today, hoping that every one of us will pursue the significance of the award monument as a source of life and enjoyment.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents and family again.
I sincerely Thank you, everyone.

Saito Hitohira

Translated to English by Busenkai Tokyo

Murata sensei’s speech about the memorial monument

Since this greeting will reach our international attendees online, I will read the manuscript I have prepared in advance to facilitate the translation.

There are three things I would like to say about this monument.

The first is about the word 滴々相承 “tekiteki shoushou”

The second point is about how the text of the award monument has become a little longer than a usual monument.

The third point will be about the restoration of the Aiki Shrine. 

In the opening section of the award monument, it is written that “I will inherit the legacy of Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, and will continue to share his techniques and his spirit.” Here the word 滴々相承 “tekiteki shoushou”, can be translated as “To pour faithfully from one container to another” It means to transfer all the water in one container to another. Most of the time, even if you think you have moved everything, some water will remain in the original container. But in this case, it means to pour everything into the recipient. This process is challenging because it requires an extraordinary master to share everything with a true disciple, even at the risk of his life. This can only be possible when there is a deep relationship of trust. I understand that the founder and Morihiro Saito sensei shared that kind of connection, as he spent his life trying to share with his disciples what was inherited from the founder. That is why the word 滴々相承 “tekiteki shoushou” has such a deep meaning, as it can be understood as “To transfer everything faithfully”.

The text is a little longer than most common memorial monuments. This is because raising the facts, rather than writing heard stories about Morihiro sensei, will convey his achievements accurately without being confused by any inclination or exaggeration.

I remember when I had lunch on New Year’s Day with Morihiro sensei; the same year, he passed away. While drinking matcha-wari shochu, sensei said with joy, “The restoration of Aiki Shrine is finally over! Now I can meet O’sensei in the afterlife.” At that time, I wondered why he told me such a thing.

Morihiro sensei personally covered almost all of the cost of the restoration. He also produced the video series “Iwama Aikido”, all to teach us the techniques of Aikido and to pay for the restoration costs of the Aiki Shrine. The current appearance of the Aiki Shrine is due to the efforts of our teacher.

I reflect on his words now, as he wished to have the chance to inherit his legacy to us. At the end of the award inscription, I engraved Morihiro’s sensei thoughts.

Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone from Japan and the rest of the world who supported this vast project of building this memorial monument. I feel that my heart has been connected with all the people I’ve trained and shared keiko with before. 

To end this speech, I would like to thank Hitohira Saito sensei for developing this project sincerely.

Thank you for listening.

村田 孝二
Murata Koji

Translated to English by Busenkai Tokyo

Unveiling Speech and Ceremony

The building process


Biographical lifetime of Morihiro Saito shihan

Morihiro Saito Shihan, birth name Morizou Saito, was born on March 31, 1928 (3d year of the Showa period). He received the name of Morihiro from the founder of Aikido Morihei Ueshiba.

Entrusted by the Founder to preserve the Aikido techniques, he would carry his role with utmost dedication throughout all his life. Through his path in life, he reached the way of the “flow and Harmony”. A remarkable martial artist loved and respected by many. Even after more than 20 years after his death, his legacy has been the seed of growth for outstanding Aikido practitioners worldwide.

Morihiro Saito shihan stayed close to the founder Morihei Ueshiba, who taught him for 23 years. During that time, with his wife Sata san, he took care throughout day and night of Morihei Ueshiba and his wife, Hatsu. Morihiro Saito would always stay close to the founder to take care of the housework and rice fields, even after most students went away to avoid such demanding work. 

After the founder passed away, he became the first person in charge of the Ibaraki dojo. To help students better understand the weapon techniques, he organized and categorized hundreds of weapon and taijutsu techniques. He put all his passion into passing down everything learned from the Founder (Kaiso Jikiden). He was one of the few students who received weapon training from the founder and the only instructor who was allowed to teach them at Aikikai Headquarters Dojo. Morihiro Saito shihan also devised the method to study the seven suburi movements, thirty-one jo kata, 13 jo kata, 20 jo movements. This study system also included the awase, kumitachi and sparring weapon movements. 

He would also served as a high councillor of the Aikikai Foundation and contribute to the promotion of Aikido. 

In 1975, in California, USA, he held the first overseas seminar. After receiving a remarkable positive reception, overseas seminars were held every year. Subsequently, the Iwama dojo became a mecca for foreign Aikido artists; this particular training school would later become known as “Iwama Style”

He would continue his role as the guardian of the  Aiki Shrine throughout his life. In 2000, a video production named “Iwama Aikido” was produced to cover the costs to restore the Aiki Shrine. This video was highly praised by international martial arts practitioners worldwide.

This current land, where the Tanren-kan was built, was initially owned by the Ueshiba family and later handed over by second-generation Aikikai Doshu Ueshiba Kisshomaru.

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